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National Day Of The Cowboy Celebration

630 S Oakes
San Angelo TX

Price:  Free

Date:  July 22, 2023

Time:  9:00 am - 10:30 am

Fort Concho will celebrate National Cowboy Day on Saturday, July 22, from 9:00 am until 10:30 am

at the Western Art Show at Barracks 6, Flipper at Burgess Streets, with refreshments and several

programs free to all.

At 9:00 am the Western Art Show opens with fifty paintings from five artists chosen by the guests who

visited last year’s show. Breakfast pastries, fruit, juice, and coffee will be available. At 930 am, Laura

Huckabee, assistant director and curator at the San Angelo Museum of Fine Arts will provide a gallery

talk on the show. At 10:00 am the Concho Cowboys will perform a program in the nearby Courtyard.

The entire program is open to all at no charge. National Cowboy Day is celebrated across the nation to

mark the contributions of the unique American figure, the cowboy, whose heritage remains a large part

of the American West and especially West Texas.

The Western Art Show will remain open Saturday until 4:00 pm. The show runs until Sunday, August 6,

Tuesdays-Saturdays 10-4 PM and Sundays 1:30-4:30 PM.

All paintings are for sale with proceeds benefiting the artists and Fort Concho.

For more information, please call Fort Concho at 481-2646 or check the website at